What if Hermione Granger Love Malfoy

What if Hermione Granger Love Malfoy

Potter's heads loved my previous story about What if Harry Potter became the Mad Titan and demanded to write more stories like this. Are you ready for another thrilling twist on the beloved world of Harry Potter? Look no further than "What if Hermione Granger Love Draco Malfoy?" This story takes you on an unexpected journey through the wizarding world, where two of the most unlikely characters find love in the midst of darkness and chaos. Brace yourself as you follow Hermione and Draco's journey through the trials and tribulations of their forbidden love, all while navigating the aftermath of a brutal war. From the halls of Hogwarts to the epic battlefields of the final showdown, their love defies all expectations and proves that anything is possible in a world of magic. Don't miss out on this unforgettable tale of unity, perseverance, and, most importantly, love.

Part 1: Conflicting Feelings

As Hermione Granger found herself increasingly drawn to Draco Malfoy, she struggled to come to terms with her feelings. After all, the two had been enemies for years, with Malfoy constantly antagonizing Hermione and her friends.

The Start of a Relationship

Hermione and Draco's relationship began in their sixth year at Hogwarts. The two found themselves partnered up for a project in Potions class, and they discovered that they had more in common than they ever imagined.

As they spent more and more time together, they found themselves opening up to each other in ways they never thought possible. They discovered that they both shared a love for certain Muggle authors and that they had a similar sense of humor.

What if Hermione Granger Love Malfoy

The Turning Point

One day, while they were studying in the library, Draco surprised Hermione by opening up to her about his family's involvement with Voldemort. He admitted that he was struggling to reconcile his loyalty to his family with his own doubts about Voldemort's cause.

Hermione was shocked by Draco's confession, but she found herself drawn to his vulnerability. She realized that despite their differences, they both shared a sense of disillusionment with their respective sides of the conflict.

Part 2: Obstacles and Challenges

At first, Hermione and Draco kept their relationship a secret, not wanting to deal with the backlash from their friends and families. But eventually, the truth came out, and the reaction was not what they had hoped for.

Opposition from Friends and Family

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley were outraged that Hermione could love someone who had been so cruel to them in the past. They accused Hermione of betraying their friendship and warned her that she was putting herself in danger by associating with Draco.

Draco's fellow Death Eaters were appalled that he could have any feelings for a "mudblood." They accused him of being weak and threatened to turn against him if he didn't end his relationship with Hermione.

Fighting for Their Relationship

Despite the opposition from their loved ones, Hermione and Draco continued to see each other. They found solace in each other's company, and their love only grew stronger.

They began to openly challenge the prejudices of their respective sides. Hermione spoke out against the mistreatment of Death Eater prisoners, while Draco openly criticized the anti-Muggle rhetoric of some of the more extreme Death Eaters.

Their actions put them in danger from both sides, but they were determined to fight for their love.

Part 3: The End of the War

As the war between Voldemort and the wizarding world raged on, Hermione and Draco found themselves caught in the middle. They knew that they couldn't stay neutral forever, but they were unsure which side to take.

What if Hermione Granger Love Malfoy

The Turning Point

The turning point came during the Battle of Hogwarts. As the Death Eaters stormed the castle, Hermione and Draco found themselves fighting side by side. They fought bravely, defending their friends and their love.

Amid the chaos, they made eye contact and knew at that moment that they were on the same side. They both knew that they had to find a way to end the fighting.

Brokering a Truce

After the battle, Hermione and Draco worked together to broker a truce between the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix. They used their influence to convince both sides to put aside their differences and work towards a lasting peace.

The wizarding world was forever changed by Hermione and Draco's love. They proved that even the most unlikely of couples could find true happiness, and that love could conquer all.

Part 4: The Aftermath

As the years passed, Hermione and Draco continued to work towards a more united wizarding world. They became advocates for Muggle-born rights and for reconciliation between former Death Eaters and their victims.

Their relationship faced many challenges, but they persevered. They supported each other through the aftermath of the war and the rebuilding of Hogwarts. They even started a family together, raising two children who would grow up to be the next generation of peacekeepers in the wizarding world.

Their love story inspired many, but it also faced criticism and backlash. Some still could not accept that a former Death Eater and a Muggle-born could find love and happiness. But Hermione and Draco knew that their love was worth fighting for, and they continued to do so.

The Legacy of Their Love

As they grew old together, Hermione and Draco looked back on their lives with pride. They had helped to create a more inclusive and peaceful wizarding world. They had raised their children to be kind, brave, and compassionate. And they had shown that even the most unlikely of couples could find love and happiness if they were willing to fight for it.

Their love story became a legend in the wizarding world, inspiring generations to come. And while they may have been an unexpected pairing, Hermione and Draco knew that they were meant to be together and that their love would always be worth the struggle.


Hermione and Draco's love story was not an easy one. It faced many obstacles, from the disapproval of its friends and families to the dangers of a world at war. But they persevered, and in doing so, they helped to create a more united and peaceful wizarding world.

Their story is a testament to the power of love, and to the fact that even the most unlikely of couples can find happiness if they are willing to fight for it. And while the world may never forget their differences, Hermione and Draco will always be remembered as two people who defied the odds and found love in a time of darkness.